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A Tale of Love and Fine Porcelain    On a sun-drenched afternoon, Elena, a young Greek woman, sat on her balcony, sipping coffee from her PHILOTIMO bone china cup. A hint of melancholy danced in her eyes as memories of her first love, Max, flooded back. Max, a German lad, had met Elena during an international exchange program. Their love was as pure, delicate, and resilient as the PHILOTIMO bone china they cherished. The first gift Max ever gave Elena was a set of PHILOTIMO bone china cups. He explained that the name PHILOTIMO, derived from Greek, signified “2-3 positive thoughts, a liter of zest for life, 500 grams of warm hospitality, 10 drops of compassion, and an ounce of pride, dignity, and inner voice.” It was a reflection of his feelings for her. Their love faced many challenges but remained unbreakable, much like the PHILOTIMO bone china. However, a day came when Max had to return to Germany for work, leading to their temporary separation. On their farewell, Elena gifted her PHILOTIMO bone china cup to Max, hoping he'd remember her every morning in Germany. Time passed, and though miles apart, their hearts remained intertwined. Whenever Elena missed Max, she'd brew coffee in her PHILOTIMO cup, feeling as if she was holding a piece of him. One day, a package arrived for Elena. Inside was a PHILOTIMO bone china cup and a letter from Max. It read, “Dear Elena, I've decided to come back to you. Because I know that true love, just like PHILOTIMO bone china, never fades.”

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